Holistic Practitioner Sessions
Let's discover balance
& harmony
You can book a session by emailing Alisa at contactus@iamwhole.co
Deep Dive into your Emotional, Physical & Mind, Trauma For Release (using a wide combination of healing modalities)
If you need support and help to heal your trauma, you have landed on the right page. Recovery is the ability to live without being overwhelmed by thoughts and feelings of the past. Trauma is helplessness, uncontrolled, emotional outbursts, isolation and the loss of power and control. The guiding principles of trauma recovery are the restoration of safety and empowerment. This is an in-depth session dealing with past trauma to be able to see more clearly in one's current world.
Every session varies from client to client, during the session, we acknowledge all feelings to move past them. The more you understand your emotional world, the more you can digest your feelings healthily. We work through the past trauma on the table. Often, there are things we carry around for years that stem back to childhood. Things we did not know we were still carrying with our pain goggles on.
These sessions are big and not something that is done weekly, monthly or bi-monthly unless we are dealing with heavily abused, suicidal or self-harm clients. We recommend Reiki and Breathwork sessions in the interim between deep dive sessions to allow the work to integrate from the table into our worlds.
These sessions include 2-2.5 hours and can be booked in during a retreat, if in need of a session out of our retreat schedule please contact us directly contactus@iamwhole.co.
Reiki (1hr)
Don't choose numbness over reality. Our experience working with clients across the globe reveals the greatest challenges facing humanity today are separation, loneliness, lack of sleep and nutrition. We feel the solution is to reconnect to who you really are and the best way to achieve this is to have your energy checked and cleared to a place of peace and harmony.
Reiki encourages deep relaxation and the elimination of stress. Reiki promotes this from the outside in and reminds the body how to feel calm again. We recommend Reiki sessions for post and in-between deep dive to maintain peace, giving the client support to find the space whilst working on their trauma.
Breathwork (1.5 hrs)
When we activate the parasympathetic nervous system, it puts our bodies back into rest mode. Breathwork does this; stress relief, improved quality of sleep, balanced blood pressure, natural pain management, and feelings of deep relaxation result in an overall improved mood. We recommend Breathwork sessions for post and in-between deep dive sessions to maintain peace, giving the client support to find the space whilst working on their trauma.
Both Reiki & Breathwork sessions can be booked instead of the Deep Dive as well as in between deep dive sessions.
Important Session Information
I AM WHOLE Holistic Practitioner services are all based around helping people heal the mind, body, and emotional pain body by using our training in health, energy, and mind/coaching work. We aim to integrate new knowledge or a new perception for you to take into your world.
After the Energy Healing, Reiki Healing, and private Sound Practitioner Session, we strongly suggest that you take the rest of the day to integrate and rest from the internal work.
For anyone who has a disability or significant illness, please contact I AM WHOLE direct and we can evaluate your circumstances against the prices. We are happy to work on this with you so you can heal. We also donate classes, sessions, and programs to hospitals, community programs and correction services, please visit our Trike Akeso page to get more information on these holistic programs.
I AM WHOLE promotes that when we go within, when we heal, repair, and align ourselves with peace, good health, great movement, and by letting go of the past no matter how severe, the world we live in transforms.