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Medicinal Mushrooms For Sale

What Are the Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms For Sale?

The pursuit of health and wellness leads many individuals to turn to holistic alternatives. While holistic health solutions should never supersede those suggested by a personal doctor, there are reasons to believe that holistic solutions can provide aid. Today, we want to introduce you to the medicinal mushrooms for sale at I AM WHOLE. In our discussion, we will explore the benefits of mushrooms as well as how you can use them in conjunction with a healthier lifestyle to improve your situation. Here at I AM WHOLE, we help you unveil the wholeness beneath the surface. Let's work together to make that happen for you!

Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms for sale have long been sought after to treat a host of health issues. While we don't want to delve too deeply into the array of issues that they potentially treat, we will take some time to highlight a few of our favorite holistic health Perth based mushroom products. Here at I AM WHOLE, we work hard to develop a catalog of products that you can trust and count on when you need them the most. Without any further ado, let's dive into a rundown of our favorite medicinal mushrooms.

1) Teelixer Turkey Tail Mushroom - One of the leading products sold in our store. Turkey Tail features a broad range of natural compounds that improve your stamina while supporting gut health. Healthy gut bacteria leads to a strong immune system that works in concert to keep you healthy as much as possible. This product features more than 35 phenols, antioxidants, and powerful flavonoids. As well as being completely organic, this product has been third-party tested and verified for potency in a lab. Some claims have been put forward that Turkey Tail mushrooms can boost your immune system to help in the fight against cancer of the colon and breast.

2) Teelixer Reishi Mushroom - This 50g container of Reishi Mushrooms was formulated based on traditional medicine from East Asia. Known as one of the most potent tonics in the world for immune system support, Reishi Mushrooms induce a calm, relaxing, and mindful experience. Other notable advantages of consuming Teelixer Reishi Mushroom include a reduction in anxiety, clearer skin, and a healthier metabolism.

3) Teelixer Maitake Mushroom - The final mushroom that we want to highlight sports the best of holistic health Perth has to offer. Maitake mushrooms have long been revered for their high levels of beta-glucan, a molecule that helps to foster healthier immune systems. Completely organic and beneficial for slowing tumor growth, there are many reasons to incorporate this product into your daily routine.

For further information about the medicinal mushrooms for sale at I AM WHOLE, head to our website to explore these products and the benefits of mushrooms further.


Tel. 61 411 315 007



Monday  9:30 - 14:00

Wednesday 9:30 - 14:00

Friday 9:30 - 13.30 



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Holistic Practitioner in the Northern Suburbs of Perth.

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 I AM WHOLE United Kingdom, New Zealand, International Registration No. 1 541 221  I AM WHOLE. 


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